
Wagon Wheel Bench 2 Seat

hand made wagon wheel 2 two seat bench rustic furniture outdoor piece.

Bronze Indian Chief Holding Spear

Bronze Indian Chief holding spear, lost wax cast sculpture, figure, Native American hand made bronze...

Mohawk Indian

Bronze Mohawk Indian Chief Statue - a stunning testament to artistic mastery and cultural homage. St...

Tomahawk Warrior Riding a Horse

Bronze Tomahawk warrior riding horse, lost wax cast, hand made sculpture equestrian, native american...

Wild Horse Running Galloping

Bronze wild horse running galloping, lost wax cast sculpture, horses, equestrian statues

Indian Chief Riding a Horse

Bronze Indian Chief riding a horse, spear, equestrian sculptures, art

Giant Rearing Horse

Bronze Giant rearing horse sculpture, statue, equestrian styles available

Bronze Statue of Great Indian Chief Holding Spear

Bronze Indian Chief holding spear, lost wax cast sculpture, figure, Native American hand made bronze...

Bronze Indian Riding Horse

Bronze Indian riding Horse sculpture. Hand-made Native American Chief art available exclusively from...