White-tailed deer, the smallest members of the North American deer family, are generally found from southern Canada all the way down to South America. In the heat of summer the white-tailed deer typically inhabit fields and meadows using clumps of broad-leaved and coniferous forests for shade; In the winter these deer generally keep to forests, preferring coniferous stands that provide shelter from the harsh elements. Even though they are the smallest among of the deer family, you can have this beautiful life size rendering created using the ancient art of lost wax casting to celebrate your hunting season or to protect you home, inside or out, maybe even your business or lodge. It is finished with a beautiful patina coloring (no paint) and has an amazing life-like detail that will fool god's creatures. This bronze white-tailed deer will endure in any environment and will be around for many, many, years to come to be enjoyed by everyone forever as they sill dig up bronzes from the Roman era. The antler spread is 36 inches. This deer is now on a bronze base that measures 18 inches by 18 inches which makes sitting down easy and easy to install and permanetly mount.
Bronze wolves, lost wax cast pair of wolves. Standing or pacing wolf, and howling wolf. Many Native American style sculptures, statues, fountains and more.
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