The clydesdale came into the popular awareness of America with the introduction of the Anheuser-Busch breeding ranch, making the horse among other things, the symbol of the popular American beer, Budweiser. The Clydesdale Horse is increasingly popular as a pleasure horse, playing an ever expanding role in the field of recreation.
Works of art depicting the beautiful and elegant horse remain an extremely popular choice for visitors to Although the horse?s contact with man stems back 30,000 years ago, it was initially seen as a source of sustenance. As time went on, however, humanity learned that the horse could be an extremely useful asset in day to day life. Whether the horse was used for transportation or simply as an aid in hunting animals that man could not easily catch, this once hunted creature became very valuable. The domestication of the horse was first seen around 3000 B.C. in China where horse-drawn chariots were used in wars and invasions.
At, our capacity to produce traditional and custom pieces in bronze, wood, or cast iron allows us to offer our customers the right design in the right material at the best possible price. We offer excellent prices on quantity production runs, and custom castings. We can produce quantity runs of figures based on your sample or create custom pieces to suit your needs.
Bronze wolves, lost wax cast pair of wolves. Standing or pacing wolf, and howling wolf. Many Native American style sculptures, statues, fountains and more.
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